Vert Ramps

The Underpass - Minneapolis, MN - Public - Status: Unknown

The Underpass

Specs: 13' tall with 2' of vert, 16' of flat, and 48' wide.

The surface is rough steel. There's a huge DIY concrete park here too.

It's called "The Underpass" because it is literally a freeway underpass.

"Hi, I was looking around on your site since I wanted to find out what vert ramps there are near me. This was one I visited a couple times this summer, and sadly the guys there told me they just had to close it because the business across the street needed more room to put snow in the winter (lame...). They're trying to move it though, so hopefully it will reopen, more likely somewhere private rather than public. They also made a video about it, and are looking for any help they can get to find a new home. If you happen to know anyone who might have a space for it, theyd definitely appreciate it." -- a nowysz